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(UK) Kirton: Plans okayed for new special (autism) school

Nov 28, 2023, Spalding Today: Plans to change areas of care home site into special education needs school in Kirton

E. England

Plans to transform parts of a care home site into a special education needs school have been put forward.

Applicants Mr and Mrs C. Smith hope to change the use of areas of the ground floor at Kirton’s Woodlands Court.

Plans propose to transform eight ground floor rooms into SEN facilities, including four classrooms, a meeting room, dining room, medical room, office, toilets and conservatory….

“The change of use is for education purposes to serve as a school catering for pupils with special educational needs, with each child having a EHCP,” the supporting statement submitted to Boston Borough Council by agent Terry Sykes (Design & Build) reads….

“Some of the barriers to learning may come in the form of ASD (autism spectrum disorder), autism, communication and interaction.

"All will have some cognitive barrier to learning and need the support of specialist highly trained and experienced staff.”

The statement added: “Such proposed operational use of this site will allow between 24-40 pupils aged 5–16 with potentially a staff of 14….

1 Comment

Dec 03, 2023

I was homeschooled entirely for what would've been my highschool years. I spent less than a year in middle public "school" and it was horrific and I couldn't stop melting down over stress and sensory overload. I have never attended any highschool classes nor clubs so my teen years were very lonely/me having to socialize online and do homeschool work by myself. But despite growing up with moderate/mild ID and severe/modeerate ASD and never attending highschool, I excel in various academia (except math) and love doing homework by myself, about complex new subjects I haven't yet mastered. I see or hear of numerous public "school" kids from my same gen. who can't spell "window/important" when I can easily write full…

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