July 22, 2021, Kent Online: High Court judge quashes plans for 38 homes next to special educational needs school Laleham Gap in Ramsgate https://www.kentonline.co.uk/thanet/news/parents-stop-homes-being-built-next-to-sen-school-251083/
SE England
A council decision to build 38 homes next to a special educational needs school has been deemed "unlawful" and plans quashed in the High Court.
The development next to Laleham Gap School in Ramsgate was approved by planning officers at Thanet District Council despite more than 30 objections by worried parents and head teacher Les Milton.
They warned that children with complex needs, including some who are prone to emotional breakdowns, would be overlooked in the primary playground by people in the new houses.
They also flagged up issues with the close proximity of the homes to the school, the additional traffic on A256 New Haine Road and the impact of construction noise on the 220 pupils, who have autism and speech and language difficulties.
But planning permission was granted for the development on the Stirling Way site, which is owned by East Kent Opportunities, a partnership of Thanet District Council and Kent County Council….
