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(UK) Isle of Wight: Autistic boy refused by 4 secondary schools; "desperation" for parents

Apr 3, 2023, County Press: Isle of Wight special school placement worry for parents

An Isle of Wight family has spoken out in desperation as no suitable secondary school place has been found for their son.

Four schools have so far said they would not be able to cope with the needs of the ten-year-old, who has ADHD and autism, and will be moving up in September to Year 7.

The Isle of Wight Council said it is continuing to work closely with the family to seek a resolution but it would not be appropriate to comment further on an individual case.

An 'error' in a verbal conversation at his current primary school, his parents say, led to confusion over what level he was performing at.

According to paperwork, he is performing at a Year 1 level but officials were told he was at a Year 3 level, leaving schools — including the family's number one choice, specialist St George's in Newport — saying they would not be able to meet his needs.

The family is now waiting for a date for a tribunal hearing but fear it could be too late and their son would be 'forced' to take a mainstream place at The Bay C of E School, but not in the specialist unit.

His needs are such that his parents feel a mainstream school would not be able to help him and they have concerns about his safety.

They say the situation has been causing their son further anxiety, and he is getting upset, as he does not know where he will be going to school in September, unlike his fellow pupils.


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