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(UK) Hull, England: School expands; "increasing numbers of pupils with SPED needs"

July 1, 2020, Hull Live: (Northeast England): Hull school will be rebuilt with space for 210 more children Plans for a Hull school to be demolished and replaced by a larger building have taken a huge step forward after being approved by the regional schools commissioner. Broadacre Primary School in Wawne Road, north Bransholme, had a capacity of 420 pupils but is set to be replaced by a new build that will provide 630 places. Extra school spaces are needed across the city because of a population boom in some areas and increasing numbers of pupils with special educational needs (SEN). As well as an increase in pupil capacity of 210 extra places, the new build will also have a 52-place nursery and a 10-place special educational needs autism spectrum disorder provision…. Councillor Peter Clark, portfolio holder for learning, skills and safeguarding children at the council, said: “I am pleased that the project has taken another step forward and works will commence later this year….


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