Dec 7, 2022, Royston Crow: Herts SEND: Mum compensated after failures in son's education plan
Near London
A Hertfordshire mum has been paid compensation after she was forced to "chase" the county council for paperwork relating to her son's autism. The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman – which looks at wrongdoing at councils across the country – has concluded Hertfordshire County Council failed to keep children’s Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) up to date “several times” in recent months.
One woman has been paid £450 for the failure. In this case, the child – identified as Z during an investigation – whose plan was not up to date, lives with autism and anxiety, and missed so much school during “crucial” GCSE years that he was unable to sit exams.
A council spokesperson said they would like to apologise to the family affected, adding that increasing levels of funding have been committed to special educational needs and disabilities since 2019….
An ombudsman report – which names the child’s mother as Ms X – notes Z attends a mainstream
“The number of children being identified who may require SEND support continues to increase, raising challenges both nationally and here in Hertfordshire.
“In common with many local authorities, we are experiencing an unprecedented increase in requests for specialist provision, with a 47 per cent increase in pupils with Education and Health and Care Plans since 2019, as well as the additional challenges due to Covid-19.
“We are making new investments into the SEND system and are fully committed to making sure that all children with plans in Hertfordshire receive the support they need and deserve.”