Feb 17, 2022, Children and Young People Now: COUNCIL FAILINGS LEFT AUTISTIC TEENAGER UNSUPPORTED FOR THREE YEARS, OMBUDSMAN FINDS https://www.cypnow.co.uk/news/article/council-failings-left-autistic-teenager-unsupported-for-three-years-ombudsman-finds
A teenage boy has been left without special educational needs (SEN) support for three years due to failings by Hertfordshire County Council.
While at a mainstream secondary school he should have received academic help and support with his social skills and emotional wellbeing through his Education, Health and Care plan (EHCP).
But council failures prevented much of this support being put in place over a three-year period, according to local government and social care ombudsman Michael King.
He found that the boy did not receive any social skills support for much of the 2018/19 school year and no emotional wellbeing support between May 2019 and March 2020. This was not fully provided until a year later.
Also, he received less than three hours in total of academic support every half term between 2020 and 2021, while this should have been four hours….
The council has agreed to apologise to the boy and his family and pay them a total of £3,650 [$5,000]. …
Hertfordshire has also agreed to arrange for the boy to have an extra 24 hours of one-to-one support with subject specialists to account for the tome he has missed….
Other improvements Hertfordshire County Council is putting in place include reviewing its practices “to ensure that all children with SEND and EHCPs in Hertfordshire receive the support they need and deserve”, said a council spokesperson….

Ombudsman Michael King called on the council to apologise to the boy and his family.