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(UK) Hertfordshire: 188 families appeal SPED rejections; up from 160 the year before

June 25, 2021, Hemel Today: Hertfordshire families appealed more than 150 council rulings on disabled children's education

(NW of London) Hertfordshire families applied to tribunals to overturn more than 150 council decisions on disabled children's education last year, figures reveal. Ministry of Justice data shows 188 appeals were submitted to the Special Educational Needs and Disability tribunal in Hertfordshire in 2020. The number was up from 160 the year before and more than twice the 87 appeals in 2014…. Families who disagree with the local authority's decision not to assess or reassess a child, or not to change their Education Health and Care plan, can lodge an appeal to the SEND tribunal…. A spokesperson for Hertfordshire County Council said: “We are fully committed to making sure that all children with SEND in Hertfordshire receive the support they need and deserve, and work in partnership with young people, parents and schools to that end…. Across England, while the number of appeals registered rose to 7,843 in 2020, the proportion of outcomes appealed dropped slightly to 1.7 per cent, from 1.8 per cent in 2019…. The Government recently announced it was increasing the SEND funding for local authorities by £780 million this financial year, and a further £730 million in 2022-23….

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