Jan 13, 2022, Gloucestershire Live: New plans for the future of Herefordshire's 'full' special needs schools https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/regional-news/new-plans-future-herefordshires-full-6467343
W. Central England
Herefordshire special needs (SEN) schools are full and plans are pitched or collaborative working across the county's education sector to secure high needs placements at an affordable cost.
A paper prepared for the Herefordshire Schools Forum sets out an expectation of "effective partnership" between Herefordshire Council and institutions offering special and alternative provision - including mainstream schools….
At present, the county's SEN protection scheme is currently forecast to spend £532,000 [$717,000] significantly over budget and the paper prepared for Schools Forum acknowledges the county's special schools as full.
Schools Forum is this week due to debate 2022/2023 funding proposals intended to to ensure - as far as possible - that the county's SEN sector does not incur a deficit.
The paper outlines the council’s preferred option as maintaining the maximum amount of financial support to the most inclusive mainstream schools to ease demand for special school places and avoiding significant costs for out-county independent school places.
