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(UK) Hartlepool: $252K shortfall in SPED ; "extremely large amount of children with special needs"

Feb 27, 2020, Hartlepool Mail: Funding runs out for children with special needs in Hartlepool-councillors writing to Education Secretary Gavin Williamson over £196,000 shortfall Council chiefs are to write to the Secretary of State over a over £196,000 [$252K] shortfall in funding for school children with special needs. It comes as Hartlepool Borough Council chiefs look to ensure funding is in place for 2020/21 for its “High Needs Block” – catering for young people in schools with special educational needs. Earlier this year council chiefs applied to the Secretary of State to transfer £550,000 [$709K] from the government funding allocated to its Schools Block, to its High Needs Block, to meet the costs…. Council officers noted the Secretary of State rejected the initial request due to Hartlepool already receiving a 16% increase in High Needs Block funding for 2020/21. Officers said it was insufficient to meet the projected levels of demand for services to children and young people with special educational needs in 2020/21. Councillors called for the committee to write to the Secretary of State explaining the increased demand. Coun Brenda Harrison said: “He might think we’re at the top of the funding but he obviously hasn’t taken into account we’re also at the top of the needs. “There are an extremely large amount of children with special needs in Hartlepool and he doesn’t seem to have taken that into account.”…

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