July 19, 2023, Glasgow Live: Glasgow parents 'may need to homeschool autistic son' after placing request refusal https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/glasgow-parents-may-need-homeschool-27347486.amp
A family from Glasgow are preparing to homeschool their autistic son after their request to place him in a nearby school was rejected by Glasgow City Council.
The summer before going into the first year of secondary is usually an exciting time for children, however, Callum Gemmell, 11, and his family are unsure whether he will be returning to school at all.
Callum's parents, Allana and John, submitted a placing request in November of last year to attend Smithycroft Secondary which is six minutes from their Riddrie home, but didn't find the outcome until last month.
The worried couple fear they may have to take their son out of the school system completely as the school allocated to Callum is over an hour away at St Mungo's Academy.
Due to Callum's autism, 33-year-old Allana worries he will run away from the school if he is triggered, especially because the area is unfamiliar and he doesn't know anyone.