Dec 7, 2022, Cambridge News: New Farcet village school for children with special educational needs planned
Near London
Plans have been put forward to build a new school in Farcet for children with special educational needs. The Conquest Drove SEN School is proposed to be built on land along Conquest Drove to the south-east of the village. The school is planned to have space for up to 25 pupils with learning disabilities, between the ages of seven and 18, and is expected to employ 14 members of staff….
It said the school would offer a “peaceful and tranquil” space for students to learn, and that thecommunity would also be included through fairs and potential work experience opportunities with businesses. In the planning documents it said: “We provide tailored programmes, therapeutic environments and through our highly dedicated and experienced educational members we empower individuals to progress to achieve their ‘personal best’. We are dedicated to improving the lives of young people and providing them with a well-rounded education.”

Land off Conquest Drove, Farcet, where a new SEN school is proposed to be built. (Image: Google)