Feb 27, 2020, Eastbourne Herald: New Eastbourne special school given green light https://www.eastbourneherald.co.uk/education/new-eastbourne-special-school-given-green-light-2001794 On Tuesday (February 25), Eastbourne Borough Council’s planning committee approved proposals to build a new Special Educational Needs school on land adjacent to Broadwater Way in Hampden Park. To be known as Summerdown School, it would provide spaces for up to 135 to pupils with both a diagnosis of autism as well as complex learning and medical needs. Both currently have limited spaces in Eastbourne and East Sussex as a whole. … Once open, the school is expected to provide education for up to 84 children between the ages of 5 and 16 with a diagnosis of autism. The site would also include a separate centre (to be called the Southfield Centre), for up to 51 learners with complex learning and medical needs, bringing the potential total number of pupils up to 135…
Childhood Lost
Children today are noticeably different from previous generations, and the proof is in the news coverage we see every day. This site shows you what’s happening in schools around the world. Children are increasingly disabled and chronically ill, and the education system has to accommodate them. Things we've long associated with autism, like sensory issues, repetitive behaviors, anxiety and lack of social skills, are now problems affecting mainstream students. Blame is predictably placed on bad parenting (otherwise known as trauma from home).
Addressing mental health needs is as important as academics for modern educators. This is an unrecognized disaster. The stories here are about children who can’t learn or behave like children have always been expected to. What childhood has become is a chilling portent for the future of mankind.
Loss of Brain Trust features over 9,000 news stories published worldwide since January, 2017