Jan 17, 2020, Dorset Echo: Government urged to give green light for new special school on Portland https://www.dorsetecho.co.uk/news/18169650.government-urged-give-green-light-new-special-school-portland/ Calls have been made for the government to give the green light for a new special school on Portland…. It was reported last year that a bid by the former Dorset County Council for a new special free school in the county had been backed by government ministers. It was part of plans to create additional school places for pupils with complex needs such as autism, severe learning difficulties, mental health conditions, and those at risk of being excluded from mainstream schools…. Dorset was one of six successful councils in the south west to bid for a new school. The special free school will support up to 75 young people aged 14-19 with autism and complex learning difficulties. Free schools are funded by the government and have more control over how they do things. Mr Drax made mention of the proposed facility as he spoke in an ongoing Parliamentary debate about the Queen's Speech…. On education, he called for a fairer funding formula for schools, particularly in regard to special educational needs and disability, which suffer from a lack of financial support. Mr Drax said this should be a priority for the Government. …
