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(UK) Doncaster to build 100 place autism school; officials 'thrilled'/'really excited'

July 30, 2019, Doncaster Council News: 100-Place Purpose Built School for Children with Autism Given Green Light A brand new 100-place school that will be purpose-built to offer specialist education for children with Communication and Interaction needs has been given the green light by planning committee (30th July 2019). Bader Academy will welcome young people aged 5-19 from across Doncaster, with the construction of the facility starting in the coming months, subject to final approval from the Environmental Agency. The newly built school will be located on land adjacent to Hungerhill School in Edenthorpe, and will be run by Nexus Multi-Academy Trust. The school’s curriculum will be specially designed for children with communication and interaction needs (high functioning Autism), enabling them to thrive and gain the skills and knowledge they need to progress into positive further or higher education, training and employment. … Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Schools, Councillor Nuala Fennelly said of the announcement: “We are thrilled to announce that this brand new school has been given the go ahead and work can now begin on a facility that has the potential to transform the lives of many young people with very specific needs. These students are capable of leading independent lives and achieving academically, but could be held back by the traditional school system. It will also offer some students who currently travel out of Doncaster to access specialist education, to be educated closer to home.”... Warren Carratt, Chief Executive Officer of Nexus Academy Trust added: “We are really excited to be opening this new academy.… Speaking of the naming of the school, Chief Executive of the Sir Douglas Bader Foundation, David Bickers added: “This is a wonderful use of the Douglas Bader name associating him to a new exciting forward-thinking School that will benefit and inspire those with this particular form of disability.‘’

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