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(UK) Derbyshire: Council to close 8 day care centers despite 'growing demand'

Mar 9, 2022, Anger over plans to close Shirebrook centre for people with special education needs

Midands Plans which could see a Shirebrook centre providing support for people with special educational needs closed have been called ‘cruel’ and ‘wrong’. Derbyshire Council is set to start a consultation on plans which could permanently close eight of its 12 day centres – including one in Shirebrook – which provide support for people with autism and other special education needs. Alongside ongoing plans which could see seven council care homes closed, this has caused the authority’s Labour opposition to question ‘what vulnerable group will they target next?’ Coun Natalie Hoy, council cabinet member for adult care, claimed closing the centres would enable the council to ‘make better use of the resources we have available to help more people with learning disabilities and/or who are autistic lead more independent and fulfilled lives’. The council is to offer an option to keep all 12 of its day centres open, but says this would mean it is ‘unable’ to ‘free up investment’ to change ‘community-based support’ services. It says 139 people with special educational needs currently use the 12 centres and 48 of these people – clients at the centres which close – would be affected by the plans…. “First they want to shut old people’s homes, now day centres for those with learning disabilities. What vulnerable group will they target next?”… “This is a council leadership looking increasingly cruel with their financial decisions, totally misunderstanding the growing demand for care and support within local communities.”…

The centre is based on Carter Lane, Shirebrook.


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