July 6, 2023, Daily Mail: At least it BEATS maths! Drumming should be taught in schools to help children deal with dyslexia and autism, scientists say https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-12267275/amp/Drumming-taught-schools-help-children-deal-dyslexia-autism-scientists-say.html
Children with autism show reduced symptoms after 8 weeks of drumming
Kids also show fewer signs of hyperactivity and better control of emotions
Drumming should be taught in schools to help children deal with dyslexia and autism, new research suggests.
A scientific research project backed by the drummer from 1980's charttoppers Blondie, Clem Burke, found children with autism showed reduced symptoms after eight weeks of drumming lessons.
The researchers found students who engaged two drumming lessons per week for eight weeks showed fewer signs of hyperactivity, inattention and repetitive behaviours and demonstrated better control of their emotions.