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(UK) Cumbria: $1.2M to expand special schools; demand has grown

June 29, 2022, Cumberland News: New SEN sixth form provision set for Carlisle and Cockermouth

N. England

NEW sixth form facilities will be created for two of Cumbria's specialist educational needs schools with an investment of nearly £1 million [$1.2M] by Cumbria County Council.
Demand for SEN provision has grown year on year causing special schools in the area to be oversubscribed.

The county council has moved to address the issue, leasing two sites from the Diocese of Lancaster: St Joeseph's Roman Catholic Primary School and space at St Edmund’s Church in Carlisle….

Cllr Sue Sanderson, Cumbria County Council’s Cabinet Member for Schools and Education, said: "I’m delighted we’ve been able to commit this money to develop these new 6th form facilities. It’s so important that we create more space in our special schools and this is an innovative way of doing that."

Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning Sue Sanderson has welcomed the creation of two new sixth form facilities

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