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(UK) Crewe: Special school to expand; cost: $4M U.S.

July 13, 2021, Knutsford Guardian: Cheshire East says Crewe school can expand to Wilmslow site Central England

CHESHIRE East has given the go ahead for a Crewe special school to expand on to a satellite site at Wilmslow…. Cllr Kath Flavell (Lab) chair of the children and families committee, told the meeting on Monday afternoon: “We do have a shortage of SEND [special educational needs and disabilities] places for children in Cheshire East. This particular proposal is to extend Springfield School, which is an outstanding special school based in Crewe. “Many children travel a quite long way to attend that school from the north of the borough and we do have children who have to go out of Cheshire East to attend a SEND place so this expansion, which provides an extra 80 places, is proposed to be placed in Dean Row in a building that we already own. It’s already an asset of Cheshire East but was considered surplus to requirement.”… Cllr Hayes (Congleton West, Con) said: “This is great if it improves our capacity of specialist provision within the borough.”… Conservative group leader Cllr Clowes, who represents Wybunbury, said: “My concern is £3 million [$4M U.S.] [allocated funding]. Is it going to be enough to bring it up to the standard of Springfield School recalling the considerable investment that has gone into Springfield's recently because, if you like, the mother site is excellent?...

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