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(UK) Calderdale: Need for special needs places "remains high"

Aug 9, 2022, Halifax Courier: Sites are being explored for a new free school in south east Calderdale

N. central England

A site for a new free school in south east Calderdale is now being considered by the Department for Education, a senior Cabinet member says.

The new senior school is required to meet the needs which are likely generated by Calderdale Council’s draft Local Plan, if it is approved….

One is now under consideration by the Department for Education (DfE), said Coun Wilkinson….

Pressure for additional special needs and alternative provision school places remains high and although projects at Ravenscliffe in Halifax and at Rastrick are proceeding to alleviate immediate issues in the short term, the council needs to do more, he said….

An expression of interest has been submitted from special free school, and a similar expression will be submitted for an alternative provision free school, said Coun Wilkinson.

He also said a revised “fair access protocol” has been agreed with Calderdale’s secondary schools headteachers, which aims to ensure vulnerable hard-to-place pupils gain quicker access to school provision than currently.

At the moment access difficulties are due to a reluctance by certain schools to offer available places to pupils who have a “challenging” background, said Coun Wilkinson.

Coun Adam Wilkinson

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