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(UK) Birmingham: 4 yr wait for ASD assessment; council failing children

Sept 26, 2023, Irish Sun: UNFAIR BATTLE I had to quit my job to fight for my autistic son after council refused to assess him – the system is failing parents

I had to quit my job to fight for my autistic son after council refused to assess him – the system is failing parents

TEENAGER Blaine Terry was nine when his teachers noticed he showed classic signs of autism.

Blaine would line up his cars in order, colour coordinate his toys and run out of class if things became too noisy.

Already diagnosed with dyspraxia, which affects coordination, his mum Joanne, 47, of Solihull, Birmingham, was told there was a four-year waiting list for an NHS autism diagnosis. So Joanne took him to the Cauldwell Children Charity in Staffordshire where he was given an official diagnosis in December 2021.

Concerned about how Blaine would get on at secondary school, Joanne wanted to get him an education, health and care plan which would set out in law the help he needed in the classroom.

But she was shocked when Solihull Council refused to assess Blaine, now 13.

Joanne said: said: “With a heavy heart, but knowing I had to fight for Blaine I said I would take the council to a tribunal.

“Regardless of evidence from teachers saying Blaine was the most dyspraxic child they had seen, even after the council assessed him they refused to issue an EHCP.”

As the battle to get her son help raged on, single mum Joanne was forced to give up her job as a vehicle inspector as she geared up to take on the authority in court.

She said: “It took over my life because every bit of spare energy went into preparing for a tribunal hearing, knowing I would potentially face a council-funded barrister in court.”


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