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(UK) Bedford: $1.6M more for 'high needs block' 'doesn't meet needs'

Mar 1, 2023, Bedford Independent: Additional £1.3m [$1.6M] funding “doesn’t cover all the holes” in special education needs provision

Central England

Special education needs are facing a crisis as mainstream schools are ‘not coping’ with youngsters with “challenging needs” being sent there due to funding issues.

A union official said there was a ‘crisis’ nationwide – and that Bedford Borough Council, school leaders and the unions need to work together to get funding to help children with SEND access the assistance they need.

A report presented to the Bedford Schools Forum (Monday 27 February) said there is an additional £1.3 million [$1.6M] in funding for the ‘High Needs Block’ in 2023/24

Deirdre Murphy, representing the National Education Union (NEU), said: “There is a bit of a crisis in special education needs. That’s not to say that it is just in Bedford alone, but there is. “It’s great that there is this extra funding, but it doesn’t meet the needs within the schools.

“We are having an increase of children with challenging needs going into our mainstream [schools].

“And the schools are not coping. …


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