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(UK) BBC highlights 4 children with neurological disorders; left out of school

July 27, 2019, BBC News: The children with special needs who stay at home While most children around the UK are now on their school holidays, many children with special educational needs (SEN) have already been at home for months, in some cases years. It is a trend which England's schools standards watchdog Ofsted has described as a "national scandal". The BBC visited four children with SEN who spend their school days at home. William stopped going to secondary school in November 2018, seven weeks after he started. He is 12 and has dyslexia. … Phoebe is 13 and has been off school since Easter, following a longer absence last year. Like many girls with autism, the condition became apparent only at secondary school…. Why are special needs students being educated at home? According to 2019 government figures for England, more than 2,700 children and young people with an education, health and care plan (EHCP) are classed as "awaiting provision" for education - a rise on 2018 But the issue is much more widespread because most children with SEN do not have an EHCP, and some children are officially on a school roll but do not go to school The trend has been linked to an increase in applications for EHCPs and straitened mainstream school budgets The government has announced additional funds to support students with high needs - but the Local Government Association estimates the funding shortfall for SEN support could hit £1.6bn by 2021 Rowan is eight years old and has been out of school since October 2018. He was diagnosed with autism at the age of four, and with ADHD more recently. In September, Rowan will start at a special school for children with learning disabilities. Essex County Council told the BBC it was sorry to hear of the problems Rowan has experienced and hoped to provide him with a beneficial education in the future. In response to a rise in demand, the council is developing four new SEN schools. Michaela is 13 and has been at home for most of this year. Two years ago, she was diagnosed with ADHD, autism and epilepsy….


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