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(UK) Aberdeen Council seeks to make schools "autism friendly"; teachers finally being trained

Mar 27, 2019, Aberdeen [Scotland] Journals Limited: Aberdeenshire council working to improve autism-friendliness of schools Aberdeenshire Council has committed to making significant efforts to better meet the needs of young people with autism in schools. Huge improvements have been made in recent years to support the inclusion of autistic youngsters in the classroom. But education chiefs recognise considerable work remains to be done and have outlined a programme of ongoing work. Staff are receiving additional training and the local authority has also been collaborating with the likes of UNISON to train pupil support assistants. … New schools are being designed to be fully accessible to all children, including those with a non-physical disability, meaning designated sensory spaces and low stimulation areas are incorporated. At least one primary school in each cluster is already a designated location with these facilities…. “The broader picture of supporting all children with additional support needs is constantly evolving and we’re doing everything we can to get it right for every child in Aberdeenshire….
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