July 18, 2019, Worthing Herald: West Sussex education funding in crisis with more than half of schools over-budget https://www.worthingherald.co.uk/education/west-sussex-education-funding-in-crisis-with-more-than-half-of-schools-over-budget-1-9003754 Education funding in West Sussex is in crisis according to a survey carried out among headteachers across the county, with support for children with special educational needs (SEND) the worst hit. A survey carried out by West Sussex County Council found 52 per cent of responders said they expected to be unable to set a balanced budget in 2020/2021, with 40 per cent asking for parent contributions towards curriculum activities and school essentials. A third expect to reduce teaching staff numbers this year and nearly two thirds plan to cut non-teaching staff numbers at a huge cost to supporting SEND children. … “Schools are having to provide the best education possible with less resource while at the same time the needs of many of the children entering primary schools are increasing year-on-year,” he said. “With many primary schools having to reduce their teaching assistant provision significantly, not only is the workload for those remaining having to be shared between fewer staff, but also the range of SEND, social care, counselling and well-being support they are providing for pupils in their care is growing.” According to charity Save Our Schools, 70 per cent of schools are seeing an increase in students with education health care plans (EHCPs), while 82 per cent are also seeing a rise in SEND pupils who do not qualify for an EHCP. … "The situation is having a negative effect not only on their education but their emotional, social and mental health, with some ending up being excluded or withdrawn from schools as their needs are not met," she said. … "The situation is unsustainable and seriously challenging the quality of education that all our children receive – despite teachers’ best efforts."…
Childhood Lost
Children today are noticeably different from previous generations, and the proof is in the news coverage we see every day. This site shows you what’s happening in schools around the world. Children are increasingly disabled and chronically ill, and the education system has to accommodate them. Things we've long associated with autism, like sensory issues, repetitive behaviors, anxiety and lack of social skills, are now problems affecting mainstream students. Blame is predictably placed on bad parenting (otherwise known as trauma from home).
Addressing mental health needs is as important as academics for modern educators. This is an unrecognized disaster. The stories here are about children who can’t learn or behave like children have always been expected to. What childhood has become is a chilling portent for the future of mankind.
Loss of Brain Trust features over 9,000 news stories published worldwide since January, 2017