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(UK) $1,300 sensory room to "reduce pupils' anxiety"; headteacher: 'We are delighted'

Nov 17, 2021, Hunt’s Post: School's sensory room refurbished with grant

SE England A “hugely successful” sensory room at Huntingdon Primary School has had a much-needed makeover with the aid of £1,000 [$1,300] from Tesco Community Grants.

The room, which provides a calming and therapeutic atmosphere for pupils, was originally set up in 2013 but needed a refurbishment after years of use had left it looking a bit tatty and in need of replacements for broken fittings.

Elaine Lynch, headteacher, said: “We are delighted that Tesco Community Grants has chosen to support Huntingdon Primary School in this way. The newly refreshed sensory room is already having an impact by improving the wellbeing of our pupils”.

The room is designed to help reduce pupils’ anxiety and to manage emotions so that the children are settled and ready to learn. It helps children focus on the present moment and to better process sensory information. …

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