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U. of MO: Center to address "thousands of children on waitlist" for ASD assessment

April 25, 2024, New Bloomfield, MO, KRCG TV: University of Missouri breaks ground for new expanded Thompson Center for Autism

State and local politicians, medical professionals, and university leadership gather at the South Providence Medical Park in Columbia this afternoon to celebrate the groundbreaking of a new University of Missouri Thompson Center for Autism and Neurodevelopment, dedicated to helping children with autism and other neurodevelopmental issues.

This ceremony marks the beginning of construction on the new, larger facility, which is being created to accommodate thousands of children currently on a waitlist for a diagnostic evaluation, and according to officials, allow for more staffing.

“Services will be expanded,” said Ron Ashworth, President of the Thompson Foundation Board of Directors. “For example, clinical rooms for medical psychology appointments will increase from 20 to 37 to meet the needs of many children for a new patient evaluation.”

Choi continued, “We know families that moved from other parts of the country to come here because of the Thompson Center. We know families that remain in mid Missouri because of the Thompson Center.”

Moss says he is excited that the Thompson Center will offer so much more to families in need, and continue to make a difference in the lives of kids just like his.

“It’s amazing,” he said. “The fact that other families like mine will be able to have access to the same care and support that I get to experience with my son is, it's just life changing.”

The facility on Veterans United Drive is expected to open in the spring of 2026.

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