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U of Georgia-Athens to screen all 7,000 freshmen for "mental health issues"

Aug 13, 2019, 11 Alive, Atlanta, GA: UGA to screen all incoming freshman for mental health issues ATHENS, Ga. — For the first time ever, 7,000 freshmen are getting mandatory mental health screenings at the University of Georgia. The screenings will happen right when students check in, and as 11Alive's Kaitlyn Ross explains, it's meant to shift the culture on campus. The school said it wants students coming in prepared, and UGA believes this screening will help them make the transition. UGA Student Scott Eisenburg knows how hard it can be walking into freshman year…. Eisenburg helped start the new mental health initiative on campus because he said he knows how important it is to maintain all aspects of a student’s health…. Organizers set up 14 different booths to talk to incoming students about the things they were worried about. … The hope is that the mental health screening will set the tone for the new student's entire career at UGA. …
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