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TEXAS: "90,000 students with autism received received SPED services this past year"

Oct 10, 2022, KGNS TV, Laredo, TX: Laredo parents say more services are needed for kids with special needs

More than 90,000 students with autism received special education services this past school year, that’s according to the Texas Education Agency….

Twenty-six years have passed since Martha’s son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and she believes not much has changed since then.

Here in the U.S. 1 out of 44 children are diagnosed with autism.

Martha believes a great starting point is offering better education services for children with disabilities.

“Sometimes we think, well the kids need to adapt to how we’re teaching, but no, it’s the other way around. We need to adapt our teaching to how they learn”, said Ms. Trevino.

Martha says she started noticing unique behaviors in Mark since he was a year old and for children of that age, educational services were limited.

Mayra Gallegos wanted to change this and opened a learning center that she says is the first of its kind in Laredo.

“Special needs, it’s basically one of the toughest things to see where they’re going to be able to fit in. And that’s my goal, to make them feel welcome and that’s why I decided to open it”, said Gallegos.

The center is for kids that do not fall under the school-age group from one to five years old…..


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