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Staten Island: 25% of SPED students aren't getting proper services

Nov 6, 2018, SI Live: Thousands on S.I. didn’t receive needed special ed services, data shows STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. -- Nearly 25 percent of Staten Island students either didn’t receive all of the special education services to which they were entitled, or received no services at all last year, according to data released by education officials. About 3,667 students, or 24.9 percent, received no services or only partial services. The Department of Education (DOE) released new data on Friday that shows how many students received, or didn’t receive, services to which they were entitled during the 2017-2018 school year. About 1.3 percent of Staten Island special education students, or 191 students, didn’t receive any services, while 23.6 percent, or about 3,476 students, on Staten Island only received a fraction of those services. About 75 percent of Staten Island, or 11,049 students, fully received services they were owed…. There were 14,732 Staten Island students with IEPs recommended for a special education program last year…. [Official reports put Staten Island SPED rates at 24%.]


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