April 10, 2024, WBDJ TV, Roanoke, VA: EARLY YEARS: April is Autism Acceptance Month
The news anchor interviewed a woman who’s a parent and an autism advocate.
Angie McKissick is with the Piedmont Autism Action Group (PAAG)
Anchor: I love that it’s changed from Autism Awareness to Autism Acceptance Month" That’s such a good point.
Angie: I agree. So much has changed over the years.
My son John was diagnosed at the age of two and a half, almost 20 years ago. We didn’t know at the time what autism was.
At the time they were just starting to put the spotlight on autism, and so we learned along the way. We choose to learn about it, and we became involved with autism awareness, autism acceptance and spread the word.
I was one of the first members of the Piedmont Autism Action Group. I lead a parent support group that we have. We meet monthly.
Sadly, a little over seven years ago, John suffered a seizure in his sleep and passed away. . . .
The anchor noted a conference coming up. The focus will be on mental health of individuals with autism and their families.