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Perryville, MO: District adds 4 therapy dogs to help kids "with anxiety,...behavior issues..."

Feb 18, 2019, KFVS TV, Cape Girardeau, MO: Therapy dogs help students in the classroom in Perryville PERRYVILLE, MO- The Perry County School District #32 added a couple more staff members to work with the students this school year. However, they help comfort students without saying a word. The school district has brought in four therapy dogs to help the students with anxiety, diagnosed behavior issues, students with trauma and also to be there to add to the positive climate in the classrooms. Perry County District Autism and Behavior Consultant Jenn Farmer Henry said when a student sees one of the dogs, it has an immediate positive impact…. Leslie Ackermann, Perryville Elementary Behavior Resource Teacher, helps the children with her therapy dog named Jasmine. Jasmine's first day of school was back in October and has been working with the students ever since….


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