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(Pakistan) Country opens "first ever" autism center

Sept 2, 2023, Pakistan Observer: First ever Autism Centre inaugurated

Deputy Commissioner Umer Farooq Warriach has inaugurated the first ever Autism Centre in its nature in the district Hafizabad for autistic children, Science, Arts, Computer and Islamic exhibition at District Public School Hafizabad, on Friday. Chief Executive Officer Education SohailAzhar Khan, DEO (SE) Mian Abdul Majeed, principal Muhammad Zaman Cheema, vice principal Madam Gulnaz, teachers and students were also present on this occasion.

DC said that Autism Centre was established for slow learners and autistic children so that autistic children could also get education as like normal students and to prove useful and responsible citizens in future….

DC lauded performance of students to highlight local and national culture through models and stalls on this occasion.

He said that such exhibitions and practical activities polished hidden abilities of the students as well as improve physical, mental, and literary thinking.

DC and other officers distributed prizes among position holder students of 9th class and planted saplings in connection with tree plantation campaign.

Meanwhile, monthly revenue services open court also arranged at District Complex , on Friday. DC UmerFarooqWarriach grievances of people and issued directions to concerned officers to addressed problems and complaints of people on priority basis on merit. ADCR Imtiaz Ali Baig, AC MunawarHussain, tehsildar Adnan Ashraf etc.


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