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NYC: Mayor de Blasio calls for $300M more for SPED; "autism spectrum disorder" is named

Feb 8, 2019, Chalkbeat: Mayor de Blasio proposes $300 million for special education staff, beefing up programs Even with a backdrop of economic uncertainty, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed to pump another $300 million for New York City special education services into next year’s budget. Most of this money will be used for more teachers and paraprofessionals to “implement individualized education programs,” a City Hall spokesman said Friday. A portion of it, he said, would go toward programs in bilingual special education and autism spectrum disorder. De Blasio mentioned the $300 million boost on Thursday as he released his preliminary budget proposal. And he mentioned it Friday on WNYC’s Brian Lehrer show without offering specifics; details were only just starting to emerge about how the money will be spent Friday afternoon. … The city has historically struggled to provide special education services to all of the 224,000 students who have disabilities, a population larger than Houston’s entire school system. The city has acknowledged that roughly a quarter of those students don’t receive all of the services listed on their individual learning plans. …


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