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NJ: More money in education budget; there's "a large number of high-need students"

Aug 10, 2018, Here's how some North Jersey school districts are using extra state aid to give tax breaks After years of mostly stagnant state funding, a majority of New Jersey school districts received unexpected increases under Gov. Phil Murphy’s inaugural budget. How will these extra funds be used by the districts? The state will dole out $8.5 billion of its $37.4 billion budget in direct aid to fund education. … The shift is a revamping of the School Funding Reform Act and meant to redistribute aid from districts with shrinking enrollment or growing tax bases to those with booming populations and a large number of high-need students…. Aid in Elmwood Park jumped nearly 80 percent, from $4.74 million to $8.48 million. … Another $1.2 million will go toward hiring additional personnel, such as general and special education teachers, guidance counselors and child study team members. Funds will also be allocated for tuition and other services for special education students, technology and supplies. …

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