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(New Zealand) Nat'l teacher strike planned over SPED demands; schools at "crisis point"

Aug 7, 2018, Waikato Times: Te Aroha principal: Education in New Zealand at crisis point A Piako primary school principal is backing a planned teachers' strike in the hope it'll make Kiwis realise education in New Zealand is at crisis point. Te Aroha's Stanley Avenue School principal John Byers said it was time people understood the problems teachers were facing. He and his teaching staff will join primary school educators around the country, to strike for the first time in 24 years, on August 15. Parents and communities where schools are at the heart of molding the young minds of future members of society were also backing the industrial action. … "Alarming statistics for me is that 50 per cent of teachers are leaving after five years of joining the profession. "There is 40 per cent less teacher trainees than there was four years ago. Special education is severely underfunded, Byers said, and needs a decent sustained boost to provide quality programmes. …

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