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(New Zealand) ALL kids to be screened for dyslexia/learning needs; 20% have learning needs

Sept 21, 2018, Herald: All kids to be screened for dyslexia, giftedness and other learning needs All children will be screened for dyslexia, giftedness and other special learning needs and recorded in a national database, under a new Government plan. The draft Disability and Learning Support Action Plan, released by Associate Education Minister Tracey Martin, proposes "a central data collection process" for all children with learning needs - about one in five, or 160,000, schoolchildren. It proposes a new "learning support co-ordinator" in each school with a more "flexible package of support" to meet every student's needs…. International studies suggest that dyslexia affects between 5 and 11 per cent of children and dyspraxia affects between 1.7 and 6 per cent. Altogether, one in five of New Zealand's 800,000 schoolchildren access the Education Ministry's learning support services including special schools, the Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS), behaviour services, speech language therapy and English as a second language. …

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