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New Salem, MA: Costs of SPED "have caused increasing budgets for schools"

June 21, 2018, Athold (MA) Daily: New Salem adopts next year’s budget Tuesday night saw New Salem adopt a budget, as well as become the fourth area town to pass a resolution on the state flag and seal…. New Salem’s educational expenses make up more than half of the budget and are largely driving the budget increase. The town’s school assessments total $1,792,593 for three schools: the Swift River School, which it funds with neighboring Wendell, the Ralph C. Mahar Regional School and the Franklin County Technical School. Costs of Special Education, particularly at Mahar, and health care have increased, and contractual pay increases have caused increasing budgets for the schools. Mahar is also funded by Petersham, Wendell and Orange, and has seen cuts to services despite an increasing budget. Late buses, an administrative position and two instructional positions are all cut from Mahar for the coming school year. …

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