Nov 12, 2019, New Hampshire Union Leader: Nashua panel endorses spending $120M on middle schools, special education A city panel is recommending that the school district replace a middle school, renovate the two other existing middle schools, and bring a special education wing to the district at a combined cost of nearly $120 million. The Joint Special School Building Committee voted unanimously in support of the projects.... If the new-school option is selected, Ouellette told the committee last week, an optional special-education wing could be constructed for an additional $4,810,956, which would result in a combined total of $119,709,948 for all of the middle school projects.... Some aldermen spoke out in support of the new school proposal, also voicing their preferences for an optional special education wing at the new school. Alderman Richard Dowd said the school district is already spending between $6 million and $8 million on tuition costs each year to send select local special education students out-of-district. With a new special education wing in place, those savings could be used to help offset the cost of the new school and also keep Nashua students in the local school district, he said....
Childhood Lost
Children today are noticeably different from previous generations, and the proof is in the news coverage we see every day. This site shows you what’s happening in schools around the world. Children are increasingly disabled and chronically ill, and the education system has to accommodate them. Things we've long associated with autism, like sensory issues, repetitive behaviors, anxiety and lack of social skills, are now problems affecting mainstream students. Blame is predictably placed on bad parenting (otherwise known as trauma from home).
Addressing mental health needs is as important as academics for modern educators. This is an unrecognized disaster. The stories here are about children who can’t learn or behave like children have always been expected to. What childhood has become is a chilling portent for the future of mankind.
Loss of Brain Trust features over 9,000 news stories published worldwide since January, 2017