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Malverne, NY: Elem school adds 'sensory room'; "since more students...identified...on the spectrum"

Dec 19, 2019, Garden City, NY, LI Herald: ‘Sensory room’ is up and running at Maurice W. Downing Primary School,120993 Students with special needs at Malverne’s Maurice W. Downing Primary School have a new way to develop their learning skills. The school, which houses students from kindergarten to second grade, developed a “sensory room” in September for students on the autism spectrum…. DaCosta added that since more students have been identified as on the spectrum in recent years, this would be a good opportunity to provide a space for them. She also said the rooms for the school’s occupational and physical therapist were small, so more space was needed…. Downing School Principal Ed Tallon noted that elementary schools can be a busy place for students. But having a sensory room for those on the spectrum provides a focusing tool for them to clear their thoughts. “You see their excitement, their ability to transition in the classroom, taking turns, and it’s also therapeutic,” Tallon said. “It’s helping them with so many different motor skills that are essential for growth.” DaCosta said that the school is looking into ways that students of all abilities might use the room.


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