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Lodi, WI: District gets $23,000 to collaboration with community mental health providers"

July 31, 2018, Lodi (WI) Enterprise: Lodi schools receiving $23,000 for mental health treatment Sixty-four school districts and consortiums are sharing $3.25 million in state grant funding to provide school-based mental health services. All of the funded projects involve collaboration with community mental health providers and other stakeholders to create comprehensive support systems for children, youth, and families. … “In a given year, one in five students faces a mental health issue, with more than 80 percent of incidents going untreated. Those students who do get help, more often than not, receive it through their school,” said State Superintendent Tony Evers. … Students deal with the same mental health issues as adults, such as anxiety, depression, self-harm, and substance abuse. Whether treated or not, these problems can tie into major challenges found in schools: chronic absence, low achievement, disruptive behavior, and dropping out. … During the grant period, recipients will collect data on the number of students who receive mental health contact by school mental health providers and the number of students who receive contact or service from a community mental health provider. Additionally, grant recipients will develop an annual report on how activities addressed goals and outcomes in the grant proposal.

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