Jan 17, 2022, Digital Journal: Behavior Pioneers is Now Apara Autism Center, Expand Autism Therapy Options in Around Texas Citywide https://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/behavior-pioneers-is-now-apara-autism-center-expand-autism-therapy-options-in-around-texas-citywide?nowprocket=1#ixzz7IeBGQNiV'
he recent rebranding of Behavior Pioneers into the Apara Autism Center umbrella allows the organization to become part of a larger network with better access to resources and tools today’s families need. Clients now have greater access to the latest therapies and support solutions to enhance the lives of those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
The need for Autism therapy in Lewisville, TX, and the surrounding areas is growing, making it more important than ever for treatment centers to offer the highest level of care possible. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Autism and Development Disabilities Monitoring Network shows about 1 in 44 children have been identified as having Autism Spectrum Disorder. As the need grows, services must provide more extensive resources to support each individual and their family through Autism therapy in Lewisville TX, and the surrounding areas.
Behavior Pioneers becoming a part of Apara Autism Center will help open the door to new opportunities for local families seeking support and therapy. The clinic will continue to offer the same levels and types of care, including Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). The group will continue to provide extensive reach, including offering in home ABA therapy in Dallas and the surrounding areas. The center also offers in-office therapy for people with Autism….
