Nov 9, 2023, LISD opens first Autistic Support Sensory Room at Cigarroa Middle School
A Laredo Middle school opens a new facility that will help hundreds of Laredo ISD students with Autism.
After several years in the making, Cigarroa Middle School opened the district’s first Autistic Student Support Sensory Room.
The room is equipped with several stations such as a ball pit swing, and beanbags where autistic students can stop by for comfort.
Jacinta Dominguez, the assistant principal at Cigarroa Middle School said this project came to light when a former teacher noticed the need for this type of facility.
Dominguez adds that additional student sensory rooms are expected to be added to other campuses in the future.
LISD has roughly 250 to 300 students with autism with 12 students enrolled at Cigarroa Middle School.
USAwatchdog is a demented pro-MAGA, pro-patriotism (Columbia worship) organisation trying to make DJT look like an "innocent victim" of funding a nationwide and worldwide DARPA live exercise. Someone who matches all 45 Biblical descriptions of the Antichrist - and Trump was an associate of now-deceased Jeffrey Epstein - cannot have been "tricked into" such a programme, but intentionally and willingly did so. The laughable claim that Trump "took a sledgehammer to the N/W/O" is also another common religious belief among the "pro life" pro "safer smaller non-mrna v/c/cne schedule" crowd.
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