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Laconia, NH: "Children with sensory and motor deficits is on the rise"; more aggressive behavior

May 22, 2019, Laconia (NH) Daily Sun: Laconia Christian Academy to host author Angela Hanscom Getting outside, exploring nature, and increasing unstructured playtime is vital to the health and development of toddlers, kids and teens; yet it’s disappearing from their lifestyles. Today’s children have shorter recess times, more structured after school activities and increased screen time. They have less time and space to move and play outdoors. Simultaneously, the number of children with sensory and motor deficits is on the rise. School teachers report classroom observations of these deficits, including challenges in the areas of attention, balance, coordination, motor control and aggressive behavior. Parents and educators share a common concern for children's well-being, which requires addressing this rising trend of sensory, attention and motor challenges in children and teens. …


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