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Jennings County, IN: High school adds 'chill room' for students with "anxiety/sensory overload"

Jan 19, 2020, Columbus (IN) Republic: New ‘chill room’ helps students with anxiety JENNINGS COUNTY — A new “chill room” has been installed at Jennings County High School to help students who struggle with anxiety and sensory overload. The “chill room” was created by teachers Charlinda Evans and Karen Chilman to create a calming atmosphere for students to go to during their lunch or free period to get away from the stress of school and technology…. The teachers who run the “chill room” have been trained in mindfulness to help students “de-stress” in a natural way. The room has dim lighting, calming music, weighted blankets, yoga mats and art supplies for students to utilize when they go there…. … the goal is for the room to be open for access at any time in the school day.

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