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Israel: Law now requires schools to have EpiPens in stock

May 22, 2018, Jerusalem Post: New law says Israeli schools must always have Epipens on site

Educational institutions at the preschool, primary and secondary levels, including boarding schools, will be required to have at least one automatic epinephrine (Epipen) syringe for emergency treatment of anaphylactic shock, a serious allergic reaction. … The Epipen, which costs over NIS 400 and has to be replaced regularly, must be at a suitable dosage for the typical weight of the children in the institution. If necessary, various syringes for different weights must be on hand. The law will take effect six months after its publication in the State of Israel’s official gazette Reshumot.

Nursery schools and kindergartens with at least 10 children, as well as rehabilitation schools and after-school frameworks will also have to equip themselves with the Epipen. …

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