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(Ireland) Wicklow SPED school adds $20K (US) sensory room for kids with ASD

Nov 30, 2019, Bay People: New sensory room for St Catherine's School The official opening of St. Catherine's Special School multi sensory room was held last Friday, with Paula McClean and members of The Giving Guild cutting the ribbon. The multi-sensory room came to fruition because of the generous donation of €18,000 [$20K US] which was made to St. Catherine's school on behalf of The Giving Guild. St Catherine's provide specialist instruction for students between the ages of four and 18 years to students in Wicklow with Autism Spectrum Disorder and moderate, severe profound learning abilities…. Multi-sensory rooms are designed to both calm and stimulate the senses in children with special educational needs. …The multi-sensory room will aid students to self-regulate between learning activities. Some special features in the room include a ball bubble-tube, mirror panel, multi infinity explorer, laser sky projector and fiber optics.


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