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(Ireland) Primary school to expand SPED services

Jan 7, 2025, Irish Independent: Monaghan primary school in bid to expand special education facilities 

A county Monaghan primary school has lodged plans to undertake an extension to its existing educational campus.

Board of management officials from St Daigh’s National School in Inniskeen, tabled plans with local authority bosses in recent days to construct a two storey extension that will see, subject to planning, four additional classrooms come on stream.

The plans also include designs for alterations to three existing classrooms and a resource room that school bosses hope will take the shape of three special education classrooms.

In documents contained in its planning file, architects for the school state how it is envisaged one existing classroom will convert to a multi sensory room and special needs education office.

“The purpose of this application is to provide accommodation for three existing Special Education Needs (SEN) classes that complies with proper current standards required by the Department of Education,” a statement outlined.

The four new classrooms earmarked for the new extension have been designed with a view to providing Special Education Needs accommodation while also returning a general purpose room and staff room to their “proper use”.

At present, the school boasts 12 classrooms and 20 teaching staff with the proposed application expected to increase that number to 15 classrooms with staffing personnel remaining the same.

A final decision on the plans is expected to be made by the end of next month.


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