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***(Ireland) SPED kids wait years for school place; parents to protest

April 18, 2019, Echo: Parents call for equal access to education for their children THE stories of children with special needs who are unable to start school in September due to a lack of supports are being shared ahead of an upcoming protest - which is calling for equal access to education. The protest is being organised by Enough is Enough, a parent-led campaign group which, started by families in Tallaght and Clondalkin, has grown into a national movement…. “However, for parents of children who require access to special schools and ASD classes, that offer education to children with autism, intellectual disability and other complex needs, the situation for hundreds of parents is that they are left stressed, frustrated and worried because they are unable to access an appropriate schools placement for their children.” … “Hi, my name is Sophia and I will be seven in July, and come September I have no school to go to”, Sophia’s story reads. “I have been in preschool for five years…. Dylan (14), who also lives in Tallaght, has his name down with a number of schools that have ASD units. However, his mother told The Echo that he could be waiting at least two years for a place….

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