Apr 24, 2021, Independent: Pupils looking forward to new €3m extension https://www.independent.ie/regionals/argus/news/pupils-looking-forward-to-new-3m-extension-40313050.html
Pupils and staff of St Nicholas NS in Nicholas Street are looking forward to the completion next year of a €3 million [$4.6M U.S.] extension to the school.
Work began in February and is expected to be finished in April 2022.
On the ground floor of the two-storey extension to the front of the original building will be a special needs unit for children with autism, with three new mainstream classrooms overhead.
The development also includes a sensory room and sensory garden….
The Autism Classes, Infants and 1st Class returned on 22 February, followed by 2nd to 6th on 1 March.
The autism unit, The Haven, is housed in a prefab on the adjacent Coláiste Rís playing fields, where it has been for the last couple of years….