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(Ireland) Disabled students have school hours reduced to "as little as 30 minutes a day"

May 10, 2019, Irish Times: Children on ‘reduced timetables’ being denied education Children, many of them disadvantaged or with special needs, are being denied their education by being placed on “reduced timetables” at school, an Oireachtas Committee will hear later this month. The Committee on Education will hold two days of hearings on the practice, described by groups representing Traveller and special needs children as a “growing crisis” and “illegal”. It involves schools reducing the hours a child may attend, sometimes to as a little as 30 minutes a day, and usually to “manage a behavioural issue”. Though a reduced timetable should “not be used” to manage behaviour, according to the Department of Education and should be used only with parents’ consent, groups like the Irish Traveller Movement (ITM), Inclusion Ireland and the autism advocacy organisation AsIam say it is being used widely to manage behaviour, and at times without parents’ consent. … Inclusion Ireland, which supports families of people with intellectual disabilities, says reduced timetables are being imposed disproportionately on children with special needs as a means of “behavioural management”. … “Additionally, as population and diagnosis rates increase, it is important to understand this issue as one which will only grow if we do not take decisive action now.”…
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